“Lachuch”- Yemenite Flatbread


Though I am of Moroccan descent, I consider myself an honorary Yemenite. My brother in-law of 35 years is Yemenite. My sister learned to cook dishes from the Yemenite kitchen and I picked a few recipes myself.

Lachuch is a kind of flatbread that is almost like a pancake. It’s light and fluffy and we usually dip small pieces of Lachuch in a Yemenite soup.

  • 500 gr flour

  • 1 tbsp yeast

  • 1 tsp salt 

  • 1 tsp sugar 

  • 1 tbsp semolina flour 

  • About 4 c lukewarm water 

  1. Mix all of the ingredients in the mixer using the whip attachment. Let it rise for 30 minutes (you will see bubbles start to form). 

  2. Don’t turn the stove burner on yet. First, spray a skillet with oil (just for the first one). Pour about ½ c of the batter to the skillet.

  3. Now turn the burner on medium heat and put the skillet on it. Bubbles will start to form. The Lachouch is ready when the surface is fully cooked and covered with bubbles. Wait 30 seconds till the bottom gets brown but don’t flip. Using a spatula, check on it. 

  4.  Remove the pancake from the skillet, and the skillet from the stove. 

  5. Rinse the bottom of the skillet for 20 sec and repeat. No need to grease it. Remember to cool the skillet off, before you pour the batter and only then put it back to cook. 

The first few may not be good but practice makes perfect. Keep going!                  


Basic Pita bread


Semolina-Crusted Meatballs